Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) is one of Switzerland’s leading private banks and a household name in wealth management.

Our challenge was to raise awareness of its asset management capabilities in a crowded UK media landscape and strengthen its profile in key media outlets.


Maximize thoughtful presence in key media outlets on a regular basis, building brand awareness with key audiences and creating category authority in key areas.​

Uncovering UBP’s story​

A good story is normally a simple story. But simple isn’t always easy. With UBP’s key sales, marketing and leadership teams we dug deep into what makes the firm different, a family-owned Swiss bank with a difference.​


We conducted a series of messaging workshops with the senior management team to distill and define the key messages, the opportunity set and UBP’s investment edge. ​

The process provided a succinct elevator pitch and a consistent story framework that achieved cut-through and could be used by any company spokesperson to inform the media’s understanding of UBP.

Taking the Story to the Media

Peregrine applied its proprietary diagnostic and benchmarking analysis to design and implement a comprehensive ongoing communications strategy guided by a data-driven understanding of the firm's current positioning and brand presence in the UK, which involved:

Leadership Profiling and Expert Commentary Opportunities

  • A series of high-quality profile interviews with senior leadership and key PMs in target publications ​
  • Regular expert commentary to position UBP’s investment experts as go-to sources for insights

Thought Leadership

  • Contributed articles placed in target publications to build category authority around key topics
  • Supporting and hosting exclusive media events, roundtables and webinars to showcase UBP's expertise and engage directly with journalists
  • Sourcing paid media opportunities to reach a wider audience and boost brand visibility

Proactive and Reactive Media Engagement

  • Leveraging exclusives and organic distribution to amplify the exposure of major corporate news and announcements, including fund launches, new hires, half-yearly results, market insights/outlook and other significant corporate developments


Before - My knowledge of UBP stretches to most of their different asset-classes, I’m not as clued up on their impact offering though
After - UBP seem to have credible impact strategies with good independent oversight and input from their advisory board
Environmental Finance
UBP case study sample

Media Relations Outcomes

For over five years, Peregrine has been consistently delivering focused high-impact media opportunities and coverage across several asset classes and focus investment strategies, including impact investing, liquid alternatives, fixed income and private markets.
Peregrine acts as an extension of UBP’s communication team in the UK with regular contact and a proactive exchange of ideas.

As a result, UBP’s share of voice in the UK has significantly increased.

Digital Campaign

In addition to supporting UBP’s media relations efforts, Peregrine was commissioned to plan and execute a fully integrated digital advertising campaign across all platforms – YouTube, Google Search, LinkedIn, Paid Media, Twitter and Instagram.

The campaign was aimed at promoting the firm’s impact investment offering and looked to communicate UBP’s purpose beyond profit with their target audience. Carefully curated audiences were built for each platform, and over 75 Ads were served.

Video Views
Link Clicks
Website Visits

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If you think Peregrine can support you with your next or existing project, get in touch with us today.
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